

  • Building of online menumou, quick access menu by category, configured in the style of your business
  • Unlimited changes
  • Unlimited products
  • Adding - removing products
  • Immediate price updating
  • Hosting 
  • Your business name in the url 
  • Customized QR Code in digital format 
  • Creation of qr code display model in the style of your business
Contact us


Contact us to solve any questions you may have!

How it works?

Send us your menu in any format and we convert it to digital. We format it according to the style of your business, it's ready. We send you the personalized qr code with your logo!

Do I really need this?

Its intact status as well as the immediate updating of your catalogue and numerous other functions, make it a valuable ally in upgrading your services and providing quality service to your customers.

Why should I choose Menumou?

The Menumou team listens and respects the unique needs of each business. We create your own menu tailored to the personal style of your business. For us, the digital menu is not a passing phenomenon of the times. With the necessary technical knowledge we gather, combined with the tradition that Menumou does not supplant but brings to life, we are here to help you improve your services at a proven low cost.

Can I try it for a short time?

Yes! Upon request, you can try our services for as long as you wish. The cost will be adjusted accordingly.

Contact Menumou

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